“Action Agad” and “Thinking Twice”

The past few weeks have been eye-opening. And that’s an understatement. First, what I thought was information overload were actually opportunities for growth. Second, I learned the hard way that keeping my personal and professional life separate is vital for my peace of mind. Also, I learned that sometimes I need to let go and let God.
What’s really funny is that I just realized that I’m one of those people who thrive and grow in an environment where deadlines are met on time every time. Plus, I discovered that I was the last minute “action agad” kind of person, which is an irony on its own. The answer to that? Change! More than that, Change my Focus! I also learned that follow-through is important; without it, your efforts are cut short.
You see, I used to think that procrastination is my number one enemy and that I should do something “right here, right now.” Now I realized that in forgetting to look at the bigger picture, what I thought of as “action agad” turns out to be moot and academic when the action you take is wrong! Seriously, when you make one small mistake, whether it’s in your personal or professional life, you don’t see it that way. But when the mistake is already “out there” so to speak, that’s when you realize that your “boo-boo” has become a glaring error in judgement and it has a way of coming back to haunt you. Aside from taking a step back and putting things into perspective, the best thing to do, imho is to find a middle ground, a balance of some sorts.
Without going into specifics, I realized several things. First, “action agad” or doing things right away has its merits but so does “thinking twice”. The former is good for simple things like calling someone or sending an email but when it comes to major projects, the latter is the best way to go. The thing is, they should go together. The best way to handle problems and manage projects is to have a plan. It’s as simple as that.
I learned so many things the past few weeks that it’s all been a jumble of information in my head. But now that I’ve taken a step back to evaluate things, I realized that I am growing. And it’s so much fun! The best part about it is that it’s not just my personal or professional life that’s experienced that growth. My spiritual life has also grown by leaps and bounds. I guess all I really have to do now is keep writing thoughts down as they occur so I don’t lose momentum. I realize that I’ve been focusing on the wrong things. Like what went wrong or what could go wrong. From now on, I will focus on the blessings. I believe that is the secret for growth.
I now realize that life is too short to spend moping around wishing for what could have been. Honestly, I simply miss writing. Period. Now that I know better, I’m going back to my favourite habit – writing, writing for a cause, writing straight from the heart, creative writing, writing to inspire. Praise the Lord! Thanks for Your instruments dearest Father. Now I realize that life is so much more than it really is. I’m moving on! J
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